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January 31, 2025

Dear AMLI Members,

The AMLI Council has made proposed revisions to the AMLI Bylaws to clarify the categories of membership; eligibility and terms of office for AMLI Officers and Councilors; the roles and responsibilities of AMLI Officers, Councilors and staff; and to update the list of committees; as well as to better align the AMLI Bylaws with the AMLI Constitution.

Please find attached a version of the proposed bylaws with the changes tracked (Revised AMLI Bylaws with Changes Shown 01132025) and a clean version for your review (Revised AMLI Bylaws Clean Version 011325) , as well as an itemized summary of the changes made (AMLI Bylaws Itemized Revisions 011325).

The current version of the bylaws can be found at: by laws | The Association of Medical Laboratory Immunologists (

In order for these changes to the bylaws to go into effect they must be approved by a majority vote of the membership. Our constitution requires that this information be provided 30 days before the vote. Thus, you can vote now or any time in the next 35 days.

Thank you,

Anne Tebo

AMLI President