About AMLI Memberships
Welcome to the Association of Medical Laboratory Immunologists (AMLI). Founded in 1987, AMLI was established to unite professionals and technical experts dedicated to advancing the practice and study of medical laboratory immunology. Our mission is to foster collaboration, support professional development, and promote the exchange of knowledge and innovation within this specialized field.
Voting Privileges
Eligible to serve as a Board Member
Eligible to serve as Committee Chair
Annual Meeting Invitation
Committee Memberships
Discounted Meeting Registration Fee
Online Membership Roster
Online Access to Past Meeting Lectures
Networking Opportunities
Recognition and Awards
Career Development
Research and Publication Opportunities
Voting Privileges
Eligible to serve as a Board Member
Eligible to serve as Committee Chair
Annual Meeting Invitation
Committee Memberships
Discounted Meeting Registration Fee
Online Membership Roster
Online Access to Past Meeting Lectures
Networking Opportunities
Recognition and Awards
Career Development
Research and Publication Opportunities
Annual Meeting Invitation
Discounted Meeting Registration Fee
Online Membership Roster
Online Access to Past Meeting Lectures
Networking Opportunities
Recognition and Awards
Career Development
Research and Publication Opportunities
Emeritus Membership
Regular members in good standing for at least 5 years who have retired, or are on prolonged disability.
Annual Meeting Invitation
Discounted Meeting Registration Fee
Online Membership Roster
Online Access to Past Meeting Lectures
Networking Opportunities
Recognition and Awards
Research and Publication Opportunities
Networking opportunities with industry leaders
Showcasing innovations
Enhanced visibility within the AMLI network
Opportunities for collaboration
Discounted event fees