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The name of this organization shall be the Association of Medical Laboratory Immunologists.


The purpose of the Association is to unite basic and clinical scientists who have developed expertise in diagnostic laboratory immunology, its subspecialties and related sciences, in order to:

    • facilitate the interchange of ideas and information among workers in the field; and
    • promote and encourage excellence in research, development and delivery of immunological laboratory services in health-related areas, and, thus, contribute to the health and welfare of the public.

ARTICLE III Membership

Section 1. Eligibility.

Any individual or organization interested in the objectives of the Association may be considered for one of several membership categories, provided that such individual or organization meets the requirements therewith indicated. There will be no restriction because of place of birth, nationality, residence, sex, race or creed.

Section 2. Fellow.

Any qualified person who is engaged in the practice of medical laboratory immunology and/or who holds diplomat status from one of the certifying boards, including subspecialties in clinical or medical laboratory immunology, may apply for Fellowship.

Section 3. Regular Member.

Any person who has contributed to the field of medical laboratory immunology but who does not meet the requirements for Fellowship may be considered for regular membership.

Section 4. Student Member.

Any person who is enrolled in a technical, professional graduate or doctoral program in immunology or a related discipline as well as anyone who is a current postdoctoral investigator or trainee, not yet qualified for Fellowship or regular membership, may be considered for student membership. No individual may remain in this category for more than 7 years.

Section 5. Emeritus Member.

A Fellow or regular member in good standing for at least 5 years and who has attained the age of 65 may apply to the Secretary for emeritus membership status. Members who desire such status because of prolonged disability from work may also apply. Emeritus members are exempt from dues but shall have the privilege of attending the Business Meeting of the Association.

Section 6. Honorary Life Member.

Two individuals may be recommended by the Council annually to Honorary Life Membership, as a tribute to their contributions to the field of medical laboratory immunology. Election to this category shall follow the same procedure as that for election for office in the Association. The Secretary, on order of the Council, shall place nominations for honorary membership on the annual ballot. Such members shall be exempt from dues and the Annual Meeting registration fee.

Section 7. Corporate Member.

Any firm, association, corporation, or institution, or subdivision thereof, desiring to support the Association may be invited by the President to become a Corporate Member.

Section 8. Sustaining Member.

Any Fellow or regular member of the Association may contribute annually to the support of the Association a sum in excess (but not less than 100%) of the annual assessment. These members shall be recognized appropriately by the Council.

Section 9. Voting.

Only Fellow and regular members shall be voting members. Student, emeritus, honorary and corporate members shall have the privilege of attending Business Meetings of the Association but shall have no vote.

ARTICLE IV Government

Section 1. Officers.

The officers of the Association shall be a President, a Vice-President, a Secretary, a Treasurer and a Secretary-Elect and a Treasurer-Elect. No two offices may be occupied by the same person at the same time.

Section 2. Council.

The Association shall be governed by a Council composed of the President, a Vice-President, the Secretary, the Treasurer, the past President, four Councilors, and the Secretary-Elect or the Treasurer-Elect, when those positions are filled. In addition, the Chairs of the Education, Website and Standards Committees shall be non-voting ex-officio members of the Council. The President may exercise the option of appointing other committee chairpersons to the council meeting on an annual basis as ex officio members.

Section 3. Duties and Responsibilities of the Council.

The general management of the Association between meetings shall be vested in the Council. It shall make arrangements for the annual meeting and for any special meetings sponsored by the Association. The Council has final authority to approve, approve in part, or reject reports and recommendations of committees.

ARTICLE V Committees

Section 1. Standing Committees.

Regular committees as needed to assist in the affairs of the Association, shall be elected or appointed as may be designated in the Bylaws.

Section 2. Other Committees.

The President may appoint such additional committees as may be needed to carry out the functions of the Association.


Section 1. Annual Meeting.

The annual meeting shall be held at a time and place selected by the President and approved by the Council.

Section 2. Parliamentary Authority.

The rules contained in Robert’s Rules or Order, Revised, shall govern the conduct of the business meetings of the Association in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with the Bylaws or special rules of order of the Association.

ARTICLE VII Amendments

Amendments to the Constitution will be presented by the Chair of the Constitution and bylaws Committee at any Business Meeting or by mail, provided that each proposal is either approved by the Constitution and bylaws Committee or is endorsed in writing by at least 25 members. Voting on such proposals shall be by mail ballot. At least 30 days before the voting, the proposed amendment shall be sent to each member of the Association. The President shall send a statement describing the rationale for the proposed change. Affirmative votes of the two-thirds of the members voting shall be required for adoption of an amendment.