Stay abreast of important issues facing our industry, connect with colleagues, and make sure your voice is heard by joining AMLI, a network of leading professionals in diagnostic laboratory immunology and related sciences. Benefits include:
Annual Meeting held in the summertime where all members can discuss the latest issues in laboratory testing and advances in Clinical Immunology. Members enjoy a special reduced Members Registration Fee for both the Annual Meeting and the Annual Dinner.
Meeting Lectures – AMLI members have online access to recent and past Annual Meeting Lectures.
Committee Memberships – The membership is encouraged to participate in committees whose activities include Education, Constitution and Bylaws, Membership, and Website, among others.
Membership Roster contains a list of many individuals working in leading hospital, clinic, reference, and national testing laboratories who are experts in the wide variety of testing performed in today’s busy clinical laboratories. The membership also includes professionals involved in the development and manufacture of diagnostic testing reagents and equipment.
Voting Rights – AMLI Regular Doctoral and Non-Doctoral members have the opportunity to vote for officers and council members each year prior to the Annual Meeting.