Section 1. Membership Committee.
This committee shall consist of the Secretary, who shall serve as the Chair, the Secretary Elect who will serve as the Vice-Chair, an AMLI councilor and at least one or more AMLI members as determined by the committee chair. The primary function of this committee is to determine eligibility of all those who apply for appropriate membership status in the AMLI on the basis of criteria approved by the Council and consistent with Article 1, Section 1 of the By-Laws. The Membership Committee may undertake appropriate activities to maintain the existing membership roster as well as to promote further growth within the Association.
Section 2. Scientific Affairs Committee.
The Scientific Affairs Committee shall be responsible for the scientific content and quality of the Annual Meeting, symposia, workshops and special courses. The Committee shall be composed of the AMLI President, who serves as committee chair, the Past President, the Vice-President who will serve as the Vice-Chair, a regional representative for the current Annual Meeting, and the chairperson of the education committee. The regional representative is appointed by the Council and may also appoint others to join a regional planning committee, if approved by the President. The regional representative (and committee, if appointed) will advise the scientific affairs committee on access to local speakers and places of interest in the city of the annual meeting.
Section 3. Nominating Committee.
The senior member of this committee will be the immediate Past-President, who will serve as the chair of this committee. The current President will serve as the vice-chair. The committee will include two members appointed by the President, one who is a senior AMLI member and the other, an individual who has been an AMLI member for less than 5 years. Members will serve a term of 3 years. Committee members may not currently be serving on the Council of the Association.
Section 4. Finance Committee.
This Committee will consist of the Treasurer, who will serve as the Chair, the Treasurer Elect who will serve as the Vice-Chair, one AMLI councilor and one or more AMLI members appointed by the Chair.
Section 5. Education Committee.
The responsibility of this committee is to generate educational opportunities to members of the Association through facilities available during the Annual Meeting as well as the organization of short courses and/or regional workshops under the auspices of the Council. The Chair of the Education committee will serve as an ex officio member of the Council. In addition, this committee shall organize and conduct, as appropriate, seminars, discussions and presentations online during the year.
Section 6. Website Committee.
This committee consists of a Chair appointed by the President and up to 3 additional AMLI members selected by the Chair with approval of the Council. The responsibility of this committee is to obtain material appropriate for the Society website. The Chair of the Website committee may either designate an appropriate committee member to maintain the website and post appropriate material, or, with Council approval, contract with an outside person or organization to maintain the website. The Website committee Chair is an ex officio member of the Council. The Education committee works closely with the website committee to post educational material on AMLI’s website.
Section 7. Other Committees.
These committees shall serve at the discretion of the President and may be formed to meet special needs or requirements
- Constitution and By-Laws Committee. This Committee will consist of the Past President, who shall serve as the Chair, the President, who shall serve as the Vice-Chair, and the Vice-President. This committee shall be convened only as needed and determined by the President with the advice of the Council.
- Long-Range Planning Committee. This committee shall meet at least once during each AMLI President’s term at the annual AMLI meeting. The President shall appoint up to 5 members who have experience with AMLI’s goals and who have wide ranging experience in the field of medical laboratory immunology to develop a long-range plan for the Association.
- Government and Industry Liaison Committee. This committee shall include liaison members to the FDA, CAP and other regulatory organizations, and members who represent AMLI at other professional organizations. The committee shall consist of 5 members and will serve as a conduit for information between AMLI and other regulatory and professional organizations.
Section 8. New Committee Working Committees.
Additional committees may be convened to conduct business in areas where members have special interests or when there are special needs concerning the Association. Any member of the Association is invited to join these committees and serve as long a term as they desire. Chairs of the committees will be named by the President.
- Standards Committee. The responsibility of this committee is to identify and evaluate appropriate sources of standard or reference reagents for clinical immunology assays. This committee may function as a center for the accumulation of information and resources concerning the comparative evaluation, standardization and quality control of diagnostic devices. These efforts may represent opportunities for participation in quality assurance programs and collaborative work among members of AMLI or between AMLI and other professional organizations. The chair of this committee serves as an ex officio member of the council.
Section 9. Committee Procedures.
Except as otherwise provided in these By-Laws, a majority of a committee shall constitute a quorum thereof, and the acts of the majority of those present at a meeting at which a quorum is present, shall be the acts of the committee. Meetings of each committee shall be called by the Chair of the committee. Each committee will meet at least twice a year with one meeting to be held concurrent with the AMLI annual meeting. Each committee shall render reports of committee activities at the annual AMLI meeting and at such times as the Council may require.