The Diplomate in Medical Laboratory Immunology (DMLI)
certification examination is complete and available!
You can find related information at www.ascp.oig/boc/dmli
This exam is the result of a lot of hard work by several colleagues and organizations. We want to acknowledge the American Society for Clinical Pathology (ASCP) Board of Certification (BOC) Board of Governors along with the BOC Executive Directors over the past few years – Pat Tanabe, MPA, MASCP, MLS(ASCP)CM and Amy Spiczka, MS, HTL(ASCP)CMSCT, MBCM, CPHQ, for their support and efforts. The BOC team worked long hours with the examination committee and on their own to build and publish the exam. The exam committee met in person and virtually for conference calls and question development. The committee consists of American Board of Medical Laboratory Diplomates (ABMLI) Drs. Anne Tebo, John Schmitz, Aaruni Khanolkar, Gerry Miller, Sara Nandiwada, Tracey Bonfield and Tom Alexander. We are grateful for the support of many diagnostic companies and granting organizations who have contributed over $33,000 to date toward exam development. The committee appreciates Melissa Miller working with Peggy McNult at the American Society of Microbiology (ASM) to provide the ABMLI question bank which we used as a foundation for the development of the DMLI exam. Finally, we would like to acknowledge the ASM Committee of Postgraduate Educational Programs (CPEP) program directors, ABMLI Diplomates and Association of Medical Laboratory Immunologists (AMLI) members who have encouraged and supported this endeavor over the past six years.