7:30 am

Continental Breakfast

8:30-8:35 am

Opening Remarks
Evan Ntrivalas, M.D., Ph.D., AMLI President

Updates in Autoimmunity

Co-Chairs: Gabriella Lakos, M.D., Ph.D. and Melissa R. Snyder, Ph.D.

8:35 am

Diagnostic Trends in the Laboratory Evaluation of Antiphospholipid Syndrome
Anne E. Tebo, Ph.D., D(ABMLI), University of Utah School of Medicine and ARUP
Laboratories, Salt Lake City, UT

9:15 am

Autoantibodies in Myositis: A Wide Spectrum of Clinical Associations
Chester V. Oddis, M.D., University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Myositis
Center, Pittsburgh, PA

10:00 am


10:30 am

Review of the International Consensus on Standardized Nomenclature of
Antinuclear Antibody HE-2 Cell Patterns

Gabriella Lakos, M.D., Ph.D. D(ABMLI), Abbott Laboratories, Santa Clara, CA

11:00 am

Update on Antibodies to Nuclear Antigen (ANA) Testing and
Immunofluorescence Patterns: Stagnation, Regression or Progression?

Mark H. Wener, M.D., University of Washington Medical Center. Seattle, WA

11:30 am  

Open Forum and Round Table Discussion on ANA
Representatives from the clinical lab, industry and clinical practice will
discuss the use, utility, interpretation, present and future of ANA testing
with the audience.

12:00-1:30 pm  

Luncheon Seminar sponsored by Thermo Fisher Scientific
Problems of Spectrum and Bias In the Evaluation and Selection of Test Methods
for the Clinical Immunology Laboratory

Henry A. Homburger, M.D., Professor (emeritus) of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology, Mayo College of Medicine, Rochester, MN

Clinical Cases in Diagnostic Immunology

Co-Chairs: Mildred K. Fleetwood, Ph.D., D(ABMLI) and Bruce S. Rabin, M.D., Ph.D.. D(ABMLI)

2:00 pm


How the Clinical Laboratory Helps Identify, Diagnose, and Manage
Patients with Immunologically Mediated Endocrine Disease.

Dorothy Becker, M.D., Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh of UPMC, Pittsburgh, PA

2:35 pm  

How the Clinical Laboratory Helps Identify, Diagnose, and Manage Patients
with Immunodeficiency Diseases

Hey Jin Chong, M.D., Ph.D., Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh of UPMC,
Pittsburgh, PA

3:10 pm

The Complexities of Performing and Interpreting the Quantiferon Assay
Dane Olevian, M.D., University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Pittsburgh, PA

3:45 pm

How the Clinical Laboratory Helps Identify, Diagnose, and Manage Patients
with Connective Tissue Diseases

Thomas A. Medsger, Jr., M.D., University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Arthritis
Institute, Pittsburgh, PA

4:30 pm

Laboratory Evaluation of Autoimmune Neuropathies
Sasa Zivkovic, M.D., Ph.D., University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Pittsburgh, PA

5:00-7:00 pm

Meet the Exhibitors – Poster Session Reception


7:00-8:15 am

Breakfast Seminar sponsored by Euroimmun US
Computer Aided Immunofluorescence Microscopy, Standardization
of IFA Reading

Dr. Vincent Ricchiuti Ph.D. Laboratory Corporation of America, Dublin,

7:30 am

Continental Breakfast, EXHIBITS OPEN

Infectious Disease Outbreaks: Epidemiology, Response, and Control

Co-Chairs: Harry Prince, Ph.D. and Amy L. Leber. Ph.D.

8:30 am

The SIRS / CARS Balance in Severe Infection: What to Measure and When
Jennifer A. Muszynski, M.D., Nationwide Children’s Hospital, The Ohio State
University College of Medicine, Columbus, OH

9:15 am

Role of CMV IgG Avidity Testing in Diagnosing Primary CMV Infection
During Pregnancy

Harry E. Prince, Ph.D., D(ABMLI), Viracor-IBT Laboratories, Inc., Los Angeles, CA

10:00 am


10:30 am

Role of Genomics in Pediatric Infectious Diseases
Asuncion Mejias, M.D., Ph.D., MSCS, Ohio State University College of Medicine,
The Research Institute at Nationwide Children’s Hospital, Columbus, OH

11:15 am

Zika Virus: Reaction to a Public Health Crisis
Janice M. Matthews-Greer, Ph.D., D(ABMM), MDCH Bureau of Laboratories,
Lansing, MI

12:00-1:30 pm

Luncheon Seminar. Meal provided by Inova Diagnostics
Advances in Autoimmunity through Novel Biomarkers

Anne E. Tebo, Ph.D., D(ABMLI) , University of Utah School of Medicine and ARUP Laboratories, Salt Lake City, UT
Dr. Mark Wener, M.D., University of Washington Medical Center, Seattle, WA
Gabriella Lakos, M.D., Ph.D., D(ABMLI), Abbott Laboratories, Sanra Clara, CA

2:00-3:00 pm 

Erwin Neter Memorial Lecture
The Evolution of Clinical and Laboratory Immunology: From Serology to Immunodiagnostics to Systems Biology

Noel Rose, M.D., Ph.D., Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public
Health, Baltimore, MD

3:00-3:30 pm


Abstract Award Presentations

3:30-4:00 pm


AMLI Business Meeting for all AMLI Members 

4:00-6:00 pm

Meet the Exhibitors Poster Session Reception

6:00 pm

Depart for Annual Dinner at
Andy Warhol Museum (10-15 minute nice, safe walk. Van provided for those
who desire to ride).


7:30 am

Continental Breakfast, Committee Meetings, EXHIBITS OPEN

Recent Advances, New Approaches and Emerging Technologies
for Assessing Immune Disease

Co-Chairs: Antony Bakke, Ph.D. and Barbara Detrick, Ph.D.

8:30 am

Application of Proteomic Approaches to the Rheumatic Diseases: Laboratory
Tools for Biomarker Discovery

Shervin Assassi, M.D., University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, TX

9:15 am

IL-6: An Inflammatory Marker to Target the Immune Response and
Inflammatory Diseases

Mercedes Rincon, Ph.D., University of Vermont Medical Center, Burlington, VT

10:00 am  


10:30 am  

Monitoring the Tumor Microenvironment: A Novel Approach to Access
Predictive and Prognostic Markers in Cancer

Dmitriy Gutkin, M.D., Ph.D., University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA

11:15 am

Discovery and Functional Profiling with Mass Cytometry: Future Applications
in Clinical Immunology

John Daley II, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Boston MA

12:00-1:30 pm

Luncheon Seminar sponsored by Bio-Rad Laboratories
30 Years of HIV Testing in 30 Minutes

Thomas S. Alexander, Ph.D., D(ABMLI), Summa Health System, Akron, OH



7:30 am  

Continental Breakfast

Genomics in Inheritable Immune Disorders, Techniques and Therapy

Co-Chairs: Roshini S. Abraham, Ph.D., D(ABMLI) and Vijaya Knight, M.D., Ph.D., D(ABMLI)

8:30 am

Advances in Genomic Tools for the Diagnosis of Primary Immunodeficiencies.
Janet Chou, M.D., Boston Children’s Hospital, Boston, MA

9:15 am

Functional Immunogenomics for Characterization of Novel
Variants in Genetic Immune Disorders

Neil Romberg, M.D., Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA

10:00 am


10:30 am

Gene Therapy in the Treatment of Primary Immune Deficiencies
Caroline Kuo, M.D., UCLA Medical Center, Los Angeles, CA

11:15 am  

Novel Genome Editing Tools to Model (and Correct) Primary

Lisa Ott de Bruin, M.D., Boston Children’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston
MA and Wilhelmina Children’s Hospital, Utrecht University Medical Center, The

12:00 noon

Closing Remarks