7:30 am

Continental Breakfast

8:30-8:35 am

Opening Remarks
Susan Orton, Ph.D., AMLI President

Plenary Session 1
New Insights, Test Updates and Emerging Technologies
for the Clinical Immunology Laboratory
Co-Chairs: Antony Bakke, Ph.D. and Barbara Detrick, Ph.D.

8:35 am

Identification and Monitoring of IgG-4 Related Diseases
Shiv Pillai, M.D., Ph.D., Harvard Medical School, Cambridge, Massachusetts

9:20 am

Autoimmune Diagnostics: Merging New Autoantibody Detection

Peter D. Burbelo, Ph.D., NIDCR, Neurobiology and Pain Therapeutics Section, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland

10:05 am


10:30 am

Next Generation Sequencing Technologies: Application and
Challenges for Cancer Genomics

Nirali Patel, M.D., Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, North Carolina

11:15 am

Chimeric Antigen Receptor T Cell Therapy of Cancer: Vital
Insights from the Immunology Laboratory

Saar I. Gill, M.D., Ph.D., Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

12:00-1:30 pm  

Luncheon Seminar hosted by Thermo Fisher Scientific
ANA – One Lab’s Experience in Changing from IFA to EliA

James D. Peele, Ph.D., Director of Clinical Chemistry, Baptist
Medical Center, Jacksonville, Florida

Hot Topics:
Monogenic Immune Defects: Models for Human Immunobiology

Co-Chairs: Vijaya Knight, M.D., Ph.D. and Roshini Abraham, Ph.D.

2:00 pm


Overview of PIDs as Models for Understanding the Human Immune System
Maurice O’Gorman, Ph.D., D(ABMLI), MBA, M.Sc., Children’s Hospital, Los Angeles, California

2:45 pm  

RAG1 Deficiency – Molecular Mechanisms and Gene Correction
Yu Nee Lee, Ph.D., Boston Children’s Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts

3:30 pm

GATA2 Deficiency – Understanding Hematopoiesis and Immunology
from a Single Gene Defect
Alexandra Freeman, M.D., NIAID, National Institutes of Health

4:15 pm

SCID Newborn Screen – What To Do When the Result is Abnormal
Jordan Abbott, M.D., National Jewish Health, Denver, Colorado

5:00-7:00 pm

Meet the Exhibitors – Poster Session Reception


7:30 am

Continental Breakfast

Infectious Disease Outbreaks: Epidemiology, Response, and Control

Co-Chairs: Harry Prince, Ph.D. and Amy L. Leber. Ph.D.

8:30 am

Vaccination in the 21st Century: Successes and Challenges
Michael T. Brady, M.D., Nationwide Children’s, Columbus, Ohio

8:55 am

Diagnostic Dilemmas for a Vaccine Preventable Disease: Pertussis
Amy L. Leber, Ph.D., D(ABMM), Nationwide Children’s Hospital, Columbus, Ohio and Harry Prince, Ph.D., D(ABMLI), Viracor-IBT Laboratories, Los Angeles, California

10:00 am


10:30 am

Outbreak Response for Vaccine Reportable Diseases: Measles and
Mumps in Ohio

Elizabeth Koch, M.D., M.P.H and T.M., Columbus Public Health, Columbus, Ohio

11:15 am

Fearbola vs. Ebola – A Hospital and Community Response When
a Potential Patient with Ebola Comes Home to Plan Her Wedding

Thomas S. Alexander, Ph.D., D(ABMLI), Summa Health System, Akron, Ohio

12:00-1:30 pm

Luncheon Seminar hosted by Inova Diagnostics:
Integrating the Autoimmune Lab: Improving Quality and Efficiency Through Automation

Gabriella Lakos, M.D., Ph.D., ABMLI, Medical Director, Director of Assay Development, Inova Diagnostics
Claudia Ibarra, Vice President Laboratory Operations, Exagen Diagnostics, Inc.

2:00-3:00 pm 

Erwin Neter Memorial Lecture
Curiosity, Serendipity and the Scientific Mindset – Observations of an Immunobiologist

Richard J. Ablin, Ph.D., D.Sc. (Hon), Dr. h.c.
University of Arizona College of Medicine, The Arizona Cancer
Center and BIO5 Institute, Tucson, Arizona

3:00-3:30 pm


Abstract Award Presentations

4:00-6:00 pm

Meet the Exhibitors Poster Session Reception

6:15 pm

Annual Dinner
Superior Seafood and Oyster Bar
Enjoy an authentic New Orleans meal! Then bus back to the hotel
or into the heart of the French Quarter for nighttime exploration!


7:30 am

Continental Breakfast

Diagnosis and Management of Food Allergies

Co-Chairs: Trivikram Dasu, Ph.D. and Evan Ntrivalas, M.D., Ph.D.

8:30 am

Food Allergy: What it Is and What it Isn’t
Victoria Dimitriades, M.D., Louisiana State University Health
Sciences Center and Children’s Hospital of New Orleans, New Orleans, Louisiana

9:15 am

Pediatric Food Allergies: Diagnostic Challenges and Cutting
Edge Testing

Bruce J. Lanser, M.D., National Jewish Health, Denver, Colorado

10:00 am  


10:30 am  

Peanut Anaphylaxis: From Bench to Bedside
Devi Jhaveri, D.O.

Case Western Reserve University/University Hospitals,
Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine and
UH Regional Hospitals, Richmond Medical Center, Cleveland, Ohio

11:15 am

Red Meat, Ticks and Food Allergy: Possible Role for
Galactose-alpha-1, 3-galactose (Alpha Gal)

Gailen D. Marshall, Jr., M.D., Ph.D. FACP DFACAAI FAAAAI, The University of Mississippi Medical Center, Jackson, Mississippi

12:00-1:30 pm



7:30 am  

Continental Breakfast

A Case Study Approach to Troubleshooting IFA

Chairs: Susan S. Copple, M.S., MT(ASCP) SI and Carol Buchner, B.S., MT(ASCP) CLS

8:30 am

Overview of Systemic Autoimmune Rheumatic Diseases –
Emphasis on SLE

Rebecca Kramer, Lupus Foundation of America Texas, Houston, Texas

9:15 am

An Overview of ANCA Associated Vasculitis
Steven R. Ytterberg, M.D., Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota

10:00 am


10:30 am

Troubleshooting IFA Testing: A Case Study Approach
Robert Boyes, B.S. and Susan S. Copple, M.S., MT(ASCP) SI, Inova Diagnostics, San Diego, California

11:15 am  

Systemic Necrotizing Vasculitis
Luis R. Espinoza, M.D.
Thibodaux Regional Rheumatology Clinic, Thibodaux, Louisiana

12:00 noon

Closing Remarks