Lisa K. Peterson,
AMLI Secretary
Lisa K. Peterson is an Associate Professor of Pathology at the University of Utah, and a Medical Director of Immunology at ARUP Laboratories. Dr. Peterson received her PhD in Experimental Pathology from the University of Utah and completed a postdoctoral fellowship in the Department of Immunology at National Jewish Health and the University of Colorado School of Medicine in Denver, both with an emphasis on autoimmunity and lymphocyte effector function. Dr. Peterson continued her training with a clinical immunology fellowship at the University of Utah. After completing her fellowship, she was board-certified in Medical Laboratory Immunology by the American Board of Medical Laboratory Immunology. Dr. Peterson’s research focus includes both clinical and translational aspects of autoimmune immunology and cellular immunology. The Immunology Laboratory at ARUP Laboratories performs a variety of tests for the evaluation and management of autoimmune and immune deficiency diseases which cuts across many disciplines such as Rheumatology, Neurology, Gastroenterology, Immunology and Hepatology to name a few. In the area of clinical and diagnostic immunology, her main interest is in assay evaluation, development, and standardization. Her group is specifically interested in developing and evaluating state-of-the-art assays to diagnose, predict and/or monitor diverse autoimmune diseases and immune deficiency diseases. She also has a keen interest in the role of neural antibodies in the evaluation and pathogenesis of autoimmune paraneoplastic neurologic syndromes and autoimmune encephalitis. Dr. Peterson has served on several committees for the Association of Medical Laboratory Immunologists (AMLI) and has organized and chaired multiple sessions at their annual meetings focused on identifying and addressing gaps in education, training, interpretation, reporting and standardization of autoantibody testing. She has published over 30 papers and written several book chapters. She has also served as a guest editor of a special edition on Autoimmune Diagnostics for the Journal of Applied Laboratory Medicine, is on the Editorial Board for the Journal of Immunological Methods and has served as an ad hoc reviewer for a number of clinical and laboratory journals. In addition to AMLI, she has active membership in ADLM and the American Academy of Neurology (AAN).