Amir Sadighi Akha,
M.D., D.Phil.
Dr Sadighi Akha is a basic and medical laboratory immunologist by training. He received his medical training (M.D.) at the University of Tehran School of Medicine, and his doctoral training (D.Phil.) in Immunology at the University of Oxford. These were followed by a fellowship in Immunopathology & Paediatric Immunology at Johns Hopkins under the direction of the late Noel R. Rose.
He is currently an Assistant Professor of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology and a Laboratory Section Director at Mayo Clinic. His main interests are in the study of the immune system at the two ends of life, and in developing tests for phenotypic and functional assessment of the system.
As of January 2020, he has been an Associate Editor of the Journal of Immunological Methods, AMLI’s official journal.