AMLI Continuing Education Information and Requirements  [July, 2021]


Issuance of Continuing Education Credits (CE):

Webinar announcements will be available on the AMLI website ( and will also be sent via e-mail to AMLI members and those who are on the AMLI distribution list. Webinar confirmation with instructions will arrive via e-mail following registration.

The Webinar is open 15-30 minutes prior to scheduled start time.  We recommend you connect early for troubleshooting purposes. The online live presentation(s) will have a Q&A section at the end. Interactions with the speaker are accepted during the talk via online chat.

You will qualify for 1 hour of Continuing Education Credit for the 45-60 min webinar. CE credits are available to all attendees upon request.  However, you must be a registered attendee to be eligible for CE credits for the live webinar; at the time of registration, you need to provide your full name, email address and affiliation (if employed) and indicate if you need ASCP or PACE credits.

AMLI awards CE ASCP and/or ASCLS PACE credits for live attendees; they require no exam, since our live webinars are interactive with a Q/A session. For information on the recorded webinars see below.

Obtaining CE credits for recorded webinars:

If you are unable to attend the live webinar, you still have the opportunity to get CE credits if you listen to the recorded webinar up to 1 year later without any exam, as the recorded webinars also will have a recorded Q&A session. However, you must fill out an attestation of attendance.


If you have already completed a webinar and received credit, you will not receive credit for it a second time.